Remember, bookmarks are valuable teaching tools that remind you of the target words and child-friendly definitions. They also remind you of the purpose for the lesson and the importance of following the steps.
Click on the Printable Icon to view the bookmarks that Michelle completed during Planning and will use when implementing Book Embedded Vocabulary Instruction.
- During Pre-Teach, you introduce each of the target words one at a time. Point to the best picture of the word while saying the word out loud, you then prompt the children to repeat the word, then say the word’s child-friendly definition, and prompt the children to say the word again. For example, if “tower” was a target word, you would point to the picture of the tower, and say, “Tower. Say tower (wait for child’s response). A tower is a tall building. Say tower (wait for child’s response).”
- During Pre-Teach, you should pick out the most realistic picture of the target word and use that picture for the initial introduction and definition.
- You should introduce the target word wherever the best picture is, even if the word does not appear on that page, as you are not reading the book in this step but only introducing the child to the target word by giving them a visual representation and a child-friendly definition.
In the next video, notice how Michelle uses the book to introduce the targeted words. This clip includes two of her target words, “aquarium” and “sleeping bag.” Remember, you just want to focus on the target words for this step and read the book later.
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