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Using the Strategy

The Using the Strategy step provides you with resources necessary to implement the strategy in your classroom. With these helpful printable documents, you can begin using the strategy in your classroom right away. Explore the documents below to discover which documents are most useful for you and your classroom.

Activity Documents used when Learning the Strategy
These are the documents used throughout the text. You are encouraged to review them and the videos as many times as necessary.

Implementing the Strategy in Your Classroom
The documents below will remind you of the activities introduced within this strategy. You are encouraged to print them out and read them. The Quick View document will provide you with a list of the activities within Language Scaffolding. Using the Quick View as a guide, match the scenarios in the activity scenarios with the correct activity. These scenarios include examples of how you can implement the activities in your classroom.

Extending the Learning throughout your Daily Routine
The documents listed below provide you with additional resources to extend the principles of Language Scaffolding throughout your daily routine. The Planning Sheet is a blank template to guide you in Planning vocabulary activities throughout the week. The Full Page and Half Page documents assist you in implementing the strategy in your classroom. It is designed to print and be used as a booklet. The Planning Sheet is a form that can be used to help you determine how you will extend new words throughout daily routines.

Half Page Printing Directions:  Print out the half page flipchart attached above. There are two boxes printed on one piece of paper. You should cut on the solid line to separate the two boxes. Use one hole punch in the top left corner and fasten all the pages together with a binder ring.

Full Page Printing Directions: Print out the full page flipchart attached above. On the full page version, use a three hole punch on the top of each page to fasten all the pages together with three binder rings.


Let's Reflect What are the advantages of using the Full Page document versus the Half Page document?

What is the purpose of the Quick View?

Would the Language Scaffolding Half Sheet or Language Scaffolding Full Sheet be best for you to use in your classroom?

More StrategiesNow that you have read about Language Scaffolding, we encourage you to choose another instructional strategy, Book Embedded Vocabulary Instruction, Dialogic Reading, and Think, Show, Tell, Talk from the Language and Vocabulary folder.

You may also visit the Bringing It Together page to find out more about incorporating language and vocabulary into your classroom throughout the day. If you need a quick link to the many resources provided in this course, visit the Resources page.

Bringing It Together

