In the Book Embedded Vocabulary Instruction strategy,
some of the words you saw the teachers use in the videos included: “library,”
“letter” and “tower.” Although children have seen pictures of these words
and have been given an initial definition, it is important to use these
words throughout the day by verbally saying them and physically representing
For example, you can incorporate the word “library” throughout the day in the dramatic play center. You can role play with the children and pretend they are going to the “library” by looking at the books in their reading center, picking out some books and returning them later. You might even see if one of the children would like to be the librarian.
“Letter” is another word that was introduced in the Book Embedded Vocabulary Instruction section. Suggesting that children in the writing center write a “letter” to one of their friends or family members is a way to reinforce the word “letter.” During morning circle, you could bring in some mail and read a “letter” that you received or allow the children to bring in “letters”that they have received in the mail. You can elicit the word “letter” from children by asking prompting types of questions like, “What are you writing?” If the child does not respond, you should model by saying, “You are writing a letter, say ‘I am writing a letter’.” One of the other words that was used in Book Embedded Vocabulary Instruction was “tower.” To emphasize the word “tower,” you can suggest that children in the manipulatives area build a “tower” out of Legos and see how tall they can make it.