the Language Scaffolding section there are several words that
the children should be learning. Some of the words include: “smock,” “bowl”
and “music.” You can give emphasis to the word “smock” by telling a child
before he/she paints or plays at the water table that he/she needs to put
on a “smock.” Another way to incorporate the word “smock” throughout the
day is to go over the water table rules with a physical demonstration during
morning circle. Once children are familiar with the paint/water table rules,
you could remove all of the “smocks”, which would prompt a child to ask,
“Where are the smocks?”
To teach the word “bowl,” you can play in the dramatic play area and ask for a “bowl”to set the table or to use for the “food.” During lunch and/or breakfast time, you could comment that the children are eating out of “bowls.” Doing an art activity with “bowls” is another way to reinforce the word “bowl.” You could label the different objects children are going to use to do the art activity. In order to incorporate the word “music” throughout the day, you can call attention to the word “music” before it is “music” time. Setting up a “music”center or playing “music” during center time are some other ways to emphasize the word “music.”