- On Thursday, you implement Day 4 of Dialogic Reading. During Day 4, you ask more open ended questions that allow the children to decide what they want to discuss on the pages.
- As you get to the page you want the children to talk about, ask, “What do you see on this page?”, “What is going on here?”, “What else do you see?”, and “Tell me more about _____.”
- You should also provide one to two word expansions based on the children’s responses. For example if you ask, “What do you see?” and a child says, “Boat.” You could say, “Yes that is a large red boat.”
- It is also important to scaffold with some Day 2 and 3 types of questions (e.g., What is this? What does it do? What shape is it? What color is it?).
- Another great way to scaffold is by modeling multi word statements as you make open-ended comments about things you see in the illustrations.
- Many children find this step more difficult at first. Therefore, you can scaffold by asking the children what an object is (labeling question), and prompting the children to tell you more about that object or what else they see.