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Vocabulary Instruction

Demonstration Lesson Demonstration Lesson:  Selecting words to teach

In the next clip, Dr. Argüelles tells us how she decides if a word is a good word to teach.

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Key Point KEY POINT:  When deciding if a word is a good word to teach, think about the last time you said it, heard it, read it or wrote it.

When planning our instruction, we need to think about the words we want to teach to our children.  Tier 2 words like “admire,” “enormous,” “ecstatic,” and “gleamed” are high-quality words that will “pay off” for children as they become readers.  Multiple exposures to these words, especially in your speaking vocabulary, will provide great models for children who will then begin using the words.  Think about some of the books that you enjoy reading to children and how you will select high-quality words to teach and include in your lesson plans.  How will you know when your children are learning these words?  You will hear them in their conversations with you and their peers.
