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Vocabulary Instruction

In the next clip, Dr. Argüelles will talk more about choosing words to teach children.

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Key Point KEY POINT:  Teaching Tier 2 words has the “highest pay off!”


As you plan and think about a read-aloud lesson that you are doing with a book as part of your curriculum, see if you can identify the Tier 2 words.  Select one or two words that you can focus on before, during, and after reading the text.  Once you get into the habit of doing this, finding Tier 2 words becomes automatic. In order to provide multiple exposures to a word, remember to incorporate vocabulary words into your conversations with children throughout the day. The goal is to have them use the word as part of their speaking vocabulary. In the Instructional Strategy section, you will have the opportunity to practice identifying Tier 2 words. 

Remember, planning for a new vocabulary lesson should also include the following key elements:

  • thinking about the basic words related to the concept you might assume the children already know, and how you plan to confirm this
  • determining how you plan to teach some of the Tier 1 words the children actually do not know and use.