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Director’s Corner/Making Connections

As the instructional leader in your program, you are one of the most important resources for your staff. In the following video clip, you will hear a VPK director explain how and why she created special materials for her VPK classes.

Video[movie clip]

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In the clip, Elizabeth talked about how she created phrases in Spanish and English for her teachers who spoke only Spanish. She displayed these phrases around the classroom which included the English phonetic spellings. This made it easier for the adults to sound out the words as they used them with the children. For this to be effective, it is important that the director or other English speaking adults model in English so the non-English speaking teacher can hear the correct pronunciation. A teacher who practices will be able to speak the phrases with less of an accent. Using the Spanish pronunciation builds confidence for the non-English speaking teacher who as a result will be empowered to use more English with the children. In addition, the English speaking teacher could display English phrases around the classroom which include the Spanish phonetic spellings. In the next printable document there are several common phrases that you may copy and post around your classroom. These examples are in Spanish but it would be very easy to create them in the languages that are spoken in your classroom.

ActivityEnglish and Spanish Phrases

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