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Description and Organization of the Folder

As you proceed through the folder, there will be icons that provide opportunities for you to interact with the content as you read along. We encourage you to engage with the content and review the questions at the end of each section.

Activity Activity - Periodically, there are opportunities for you to complete an activity utilizing the information you have learned. These engaging activities are meant to be completed when the icon appears as you are going through the folder.
Book Check Book Check - These are guided questions that provide information about choosing appropriate children’s books for use with Dialogic Reading and Book Embedded Vocabulary Instruction. When you roll your mouse over the book icon, additional information is displayed on the page. Roll your mouse over the icon a second time to turn off the information.
Let's Reflect Let's Reflect - You will be prompted to consider questions regarding what you have just learned before continuing to the next topic.
More Strategies More Strategies – Appears at the very end of each instructional strategy and directs you to choose another strategy within the language and vocabulary folder.
Printable Printable Icon – Many documents within this folder can be printed and used in your classroom.  When you see this icon, you may print the attached document at your convenience.
Glossary Throughout the text there will be words that are bolded.  When you roll over a bolded word the definition will appear. All of the bolded words are available as a printable document in the glossary, which is located in the Resource section.