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How can I use rich language throughout the day?

Dr. Argüelles reminds us how important our language is when supporting the English language learner.

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Strategies in Action Strategies in Action

We have learned how important our language is when working with English language learners, but it is equally important to incorporate rich language into our teacher-student conversations and expose children to high-quality words. The only way you know if you are doing this is to do a self-assessment.

The best way for you to know if you use complete sentences, complete thoughts, and precise language when talking with children is to take a look at yourself as you teach throughout the day. 

You can do this by asking your director or co-worker to video you or to observe a portion of your instructional time. Your observer could use the following observation sheet to record notes as she/he visits in your classroom, or you could use it as you watch yourself at home alone!

You may be surprised how just knowing that you are going to be taped or observed will increase the quality of your language – try it and see!  The following printable document is an observation form for you or your director to use.

ActivityObservation Form

When finished viewing the document, close the pop-up window to return to the course.
