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Designing a High-Quality Learning Environment

A high-quality prekindergarten learning environment is designed with the children in mind. Pictures should be hung where the children can see them easily, and there should be many visual cues to help everyone, especially children and staff who are English language learners, understand how the classroom is organized. Using pictures to illustrate schedules and to designate activity areas is one way to do this.

As you view the following video, think about your classroom and how you provide a high-quality environment for your children, including the English language learners.

Video[video clip]

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Let's ReflectWhat did I see in the video that I will include in my classroom?

Were the classrooms appealing to young children who are English language learners? Why?

What elements did I notice that support English language learners?

What is one thing I could do to my classroom environment to make it more supportive of young English language learners?
