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The Young English Language Learner

In the next video, VPK instructors tell us about their experiences with English language learners in their classrooms.

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These are but a few of the challenges faced every day by the children who are English language learners in many of our classrooms. In addition to adjusting to a new language, children also face the challenge of adjusting to a new culture. The classroom environment itself may be different from what they have previously experienced. In many cases, school experiences in other countries are different from those in the United States. The activities, schedules, and routines may be new to the children and to their families.

Learning about how the classroom operates is only one part of the challenge for young children who are English language learners. They are also faced with the need to learn new social patterns and acceptable ways of interacting with peers and teachers. Gaining acceptance from peers who may not understand the child’s culture and efforts in learning a new language can be a difficult experience. It can be common to hear stories of rejection and discrimination based on cultural and linguistic differences. Experiences such as these can harm children’s self confidence. As the teacher, you can help by providing a supportive environment that celebrates all of the children’s unique differences.
