Florida's Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program
Emergent Literacy for VPK Instructors
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Emergent Reading - Motivation

Key components of Motivation (Page 2 of 2)

Coaching and Guiding Children in Their Interactions with Books

How do you coach and guide children in their interactions with books? When you notice children looking through their favorite books, encourage them to turn the pages one at a time from the beginning of the book to the end. Encourage children to closely examine the pictures. Respond to children’s requests to read their favorite book "one more time."

Reading signs and labels for children helps them understand that print carries a message. Encourage children to pretend to read both familiar and unfamiliar stories. Encourage children to chant repeating phrases from familiar stories or use pictures to retell a story. Show children how to run their finger across the print on the pages as they pretend to read.

Encourage children to memorize favorite, short, predictable stories and to read these stories to themselves and others. Show children how to point word-for-word as they read familiar books and retell favorite stories by looking at the pictures in the book or using simple props. When children ask you “What does this say?” read it to them!

Checking for understanding

Checking for Understanding

  • What are some ways you can motivate children with books?
    Check Your Answer

  • What are some ways you can coach and guide children in their interactions with books?
    Check Your Answer
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