Florida's Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program
Emergent Literacy for VPK Instructors
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Language: A System of Communication

Pulling it all together (Page 4 of 4)

Reflecting on what you have learned

Reflecting on What You Have Learned in
Unit 2: Language

You have read about and seen three ways to encourage the growth of young children’s language and communication skills: talking with them every day (sit and stay), using and modeling language about past and future events (decontextualized language), and involving children in your read-alouds (interactive reading). Before you move on to Unit 3, take a few minutes to reflect on these questions that were posed at the beginning of this unit.

  • How do you encourage children to talk to you and to others?
  • What are some ways that you encourage children to talk about past and future events?
  • How can you build and expand children’s vocabulary in your classroom every day?


Moving On

Moving On...

Powerful preschool programs can make a tremendous difference in the development of children’s language. We know that children learn language by listening, observing, and talking with others. The more children talk and the more time they spend talking with mature language users, such as you, the more they learn! Strong language skills are critical to success in learning to read. In Unit 3 you will learn how early literacy skills can help your children become successful readers.


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